Ken God en Groei!/Know God and Grow!
Dit is tot julle voordeel dat Ek weggaan
It is for your good that I am going away
Johannes 16:1-7 - John 16:1-7
Jesus doesn't want His people, His own, His bride to go astray.
Jesus wil nie dat Sy mense, Sy eie, Sy bruid, afvallig word nie.
Die Gees van die Waarheid
The Spirit of Truth
Johannes 16:7-15 - John 16:7-15
He is either the Spirit of truth or the Spirit of lies? What do you prefer?
Hy is of die Gees van die Waarheid of die Gees van leuens ? Wat verkies jy?
Jou hartseer sal in blydskap verander
Your sorrow will turn into joy
Johannes 16:16-24 - John 16:16-24
Jesus teaches that out of our sorrow joy will be birthed.
Jesus leer ons dat uit ons hartseer sal vreugde gebore word.
Hou moed! Ek het die wêreld klaar oorwin
Take heart! - I have overcome the world
Johannes 16:25-33 - John 16:25-33
God loved us affectionately and He can be trusted and He is our hope!
God het ons innig lief en ons kan Hom vertrou, Hy is ons hoop!